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10 Tips for Choosing the Right Triumph Paper Cutter for Your Print Business

10 Tips for Choosing the Right Triumph Paper Cutter for Your Print Business

By: Liz Gelety

A high-quality paper cutter is essential for any printing business.

When there's a lot to cut within a short turnaround time, scissors and knives just won't cut it (pardon the pun). So you'll have to source a paper cutter to get the job done.

Don't worry we've created a guide to help you choose the right paper cutter for your business.

Let's dive on in.

1. Think About What You're Cutting

There are plenty of uses for a paper cutter for example;

  • Trimming photos for exhibitions
  • cutting stacks of pamphlets
  • Creating name cards for your upcoming networking event

You get the idea. Ask yourself what do you need your paper cutter for?

2. Think About the Volume and Speed of Your Work

When it comes to paper cutters there are two main options;

  1. Guillotine
  2. Rotary.

When you're considering what paper cutter your business needs you need to think about the volume, speed, and precision of your work, as well as the safety of your employees.

As you're in the printing business, you'll most likely need a rotary cutter. This will provide the most accurate results.

3. What Size Do You Need?

You need to think about the size of the paper you need to cut.

Will you need to cut anything more substantial than A4? If so, you need to purchase something that will accommodate for that.

There are lots of paper trimmers, and guillotines that can cut A4, A3, A2, A1, and A0 size materials.

If you're considering a larger trimmer, you need to weigh up whether you'll use it enough to warrant the extra expense.

4. What Materials Do You Use?

This is an essential question to ask when selecting the appropriate paper cutter.

If you're only trimming small amounts of paper, then a cheaper office trimmer might be enough to suit your needs. However, if you need to cut vast quantities of card or laminates, then you'll need to source a heavy-duty trimmer.

Alternatively, you may need to consider a board or ream cutter.

5. Do You Require Fine Trimming?

If your business requires a lot of fine trimming, a rotary trimmer is probably best. This is because the blade's manually pushed across the material you're cutting.

This allows for a smooth gliding action while you're trimming the paper. Naturally, this allows for greater precision.

6. Do You Need to Cut a Lot of Paper?

When purchasing a paper cutter, you need to be aware of its cutting capacity.

Unsurprisingly, if you need to cut a lot of paper in one go, you'll need a paper cutter with a higher capacity. Think about the length and number of sheets you'll cutter need to handle within a single stroke.

For example, if you only need to cut average-sized photographs or, price tags you'll probably need 12" cut length.

Or, if you need to cut A4 paper, you'll need a 15" cutter. Rather, if you're cutting A3 sheets of paper, you'll need a trimmer with an 18" cutting length.

If you want to know more about different paper sizes click here.

7. Do You Need to Move Your Paper Cutter with Ease?

If you need to move your paper trimmer with ease, you should think about purchasing something that's easily portable.

Remember, large guillotine cutters are often heavy and therefore difficult to move around. So, if you think you'll need to use your paper trimmer in various locations, we recommend opting for something lighter.

Plus, portable paper trimmer takes up very little space and are very easy to store.

8. Do You Need an Automatic or Manual Paper Trimmer?

Triumph automatic paper trimmer              Triumph manual paper cutter

Manual cutters require the user to have a pair of hands available for cutting.

Whereas, automatic cutters work via, motors. These machines can adjust the materials themselves. This frees up the time for you and your employees as the printer can efficiently run itself with minimal interference.

If your business requires you a lot of paper cutting, it's advisable to opt for a motorized cutter. It'll save you money in the long run.

9. How Frequently Will You Use Your Paper Trimmer?

How frequently will you need to use your paper trimmer or trimmer?

If the answer to that question is not very often, then you may want to consider borrowing or renting a paper trimmer. However, if you'll be using your paper trimmer on a daily basis, we recommend that you take the time to read lots of reviews.

You want to find a paper trimmer that's famous for both its durability and functionality.

There's no point purchasing a paper trimmer that'll only last a few months, no matter how inexpensive they are.

It'll save you money, time, and hassle in the long run.

10. Do You Need Much Stability in the Cutting Head?

If you're looking for a paper trimmer with a stable cutting head, then a rotary paper trimmer is the way to go.

This is because a rotary paper trimmer has a rotating blade that sits directly on the rail. It cuts the paper using an elegant side to side motion.

They're perfect if you only need cut a small amount of thin paper, precisely.

Do You Have Any Questions About Buying a Paper Trimmer?

If you have any questions about purchasing your paper trimmer, please feel free to contact our team of experts, and they'll be sure to steer you in the right direction.

They'll be sure to get back to you as soon as they can. We endeavor to go above and beyond to help our customers.

Alternatively, you can peruse our products page to get some more information on the right paper trimmer for you. There's plenty of information for you to sink your teeth into there.