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What Features Should You Look for in a Paper Guillotine Cutter?

What Features Should You Look for in a Paper Guillotine Cutter?

By: Liz Gelety

guillotine cutter

Are you in the market for a paper cutter for your office?

A guillotine paper cutter's versatility makes it a valuable tool in your office. That is because these machines can cut large stacks of paper. They can also help you and your employees design signs and other marketing materials.

But because these machines have a large, sharp blade, operating them safely should be the focus in your office. To receive the most benefit from a paper cutter, you must know about the safety features that matter most.

Read on to learn what features you should look for in a paper guillotine cutter!

Finger Guards

A finger guard on a paper cutter is an important safety feature that should be on the machine you decide to buy.

The guillotine portion of your paper cutter is composed of a sharp blade that can be very dangerous. This means you should pay close attention to what you are doing while using your paper cutter.

But even being on alert during use is not enough. That's because you may your finger or hand may accidentally slip in the path of the blade.

A finger guard runs along the edge of the base of your paper cutter. This guard creates a barrier between your fingers and the sharp blade. Some of the safest paper cutters even have guards on both sides of the blade for added protection of your fingers and hands.

Blade Latch

Using a paper cutting guillotine is not the only time it may pose a safety risk. A paper cutter can also be dangerous to your employees when it is sitting on a desk or counter in your office.

One way to limit the risks of injury to other people when the cutter is not being used is to ensure your paper cutter has a blade latch.

Blade latches function to lock down a paper cutter's blade when it is not in use. But you won't want just any latch. Before choosing the paper cutter you want, you should inspect the latch closely to see what material the latch is made out of.

You want the latch to be designed with strong wire or metal. This helps give you peace of mind that the latch can withstand normal wear and tear, while also keeping others safe.

Tension Spring

Paper cutting guillotines should also have a strong tension spring. This part of a guillotine helps to provide further safety features for your paper cutter.

These springs are connected to a paper cutter's blade and help to control the way the blade operates. A tension spring keeps the blade from flipping up unexpectedly, which could cause serious injury.

More importantly, though, a tension spring also prevents the blade from coming down on your finger or hand without warning. A quality tension spring will allow you to move the blade portion with some effort, but operate with a fluid motion.

This allows you to make more precise cuts while also improving your safety while you do it.

Wrapping Up: Finding The Best Guillotine Cutter

A guillotine cutter is a useful tool in your office that you and your employees can use each day.

To find the best one for your office needs, you should be looking at the precision of its cuts and the safety features it offers.

The Triumph Cutter is a heavy duty industrial paper cutter that is ideal for any cutting job in your office. We offer paper cutters of all shapes and sizes, that also include the important safety features you need.

Contact us today to learn more about our products and why you need a Triumph Cutter in your office!